Stadium Wave: Movie |
Falling Slinky: Movie 1 Movie 2 Movie 3 |
Longitudinal Wave: Movie 1 Movie 2 (pulse) |
Transverse Wave: Movie 1 Movie 2 (pulse) |
Water Surface Wave: Movie |
Earthquake Waves, P and S Waves: Movie |
Simple Harmonic Motion of a Piece of the Wave: Movie |
Amplitude Definition: Movie |
Spatial Period (Wavelength) Definition: Movie |
Wavespeed Definition: Movie |
Unit Circle Refresher (Cosine): Movie |
Phase Definition (Cosine): Movie |
Reflections - fixed boundary: Movie |
Reflections - free boundary: Movie |
Reflections - low to high: Movie |
Reflections - high to low: Movie |
Constructive Interference: Movie 1 Movie 2 |
Destructive Interference: Movie 1 Movie 2 Movie 3 |
Standing Wave: Movie |