The second trip was for a workshop put on by Don Kirby, with invaluable assistance by Joan Gentry. All the previous photography books I've read, people I've talked to and photographed with, darkroom hours I've spent, and workshops I've been to combined together to allow this to be the most enjoyable and rewarding workshop experience I've ever had. Like Ray McSavaney, Don is an incredibly talented and passionate photographer and teacher. He is very approachable and very willing to share his expertise with anyone who asks. And his photographs are absolutely phenomenal, with beautifully glowing tones and an incrediable dynamic range. His photographs of the farmlands of eastern Washington, Idaho, and Oregon are the most sensuous photographs I've ever seen.
Joan Gentry is also a very talented photographer. I was so impressed with her work that I convinced her to trade two of her prints for two of mine. And her presence in the field and during critiques was always helpful and insightful.
I feel very honored that Don and Joan would share these very beautiful and spiritually valuable places with me.
Thumbnails of some of my photographs from these two trips are shown below. Just like a book, the photographs in this exhibit are copyrighted by the author, 1998. All rights reserved. Mine, mine, mine. Actually, I don't care if you download (and thus copy) an image or two from the exhibit as long as you don't sell it, trade it, include it free with anything you are selling or trading, or otherwise gain anything from it other than the pleasure of viewing it. All of this, of course, is just common sense but, since the Web seems to be somewhat uncharted in terms of property rights, it never hurts to say it.
Note: The scans of these prints don't do justice to the tonal separation, quality, and detail in the original photographs (we always say this - hey, you haven't seen the originals, how are you going to know.).
Keyhole Entrance Upper Antelope Canyon February, 1998 |
Ceiling Chute Upper Antelope Canyon February, 1998 |
Anasazi Granary Colorado Plateau May, 1998 |
Anasazi Granary Colorado Plateau May, 1998 |
Anasazi Dwelling Colorado Plateau May, 1998 |
Anasazi Dwelling Colorado Plateau May, 1998 |
Anasazi Dwelling Colorado Plateau May, 1998 |
Anasazi Dwelling Colorado Plateau May, 1998 |
Anasazi Dwelling Colorado Plateau May, 1998 |
Anasazi Granary Colorado Plateau May, 1998 |
Anasazi Dwelling Colorado Plateau May, 1998 |
Anasazi Dwelling Colorado Plateau May, 1998 |