Frequently Asked Questions about Exploring CS

1) I heard Exploring Computer Science is an alternative to Computer Tech. Is that true?

Yes! Students who complete Exploring Computer Science will fulfill their Computer Technology graduation requirement!

2) Who can teach the ECS class? What endorsement do you need to teach the class?

Any teacher (business, IT, math, science, etc) who attends a five day summer workshop and passes a IC3 test (both GS3 and GS4 certications are acceptable), can teach the Exploring Computer Science course.

3) What credit is given for the class?

CTE Elective and/or Computer Technology

4) What CTE skills test is associated with the class?

A skills test specific for ECS is being written this summer

5) What grade levels are appropriate for the class? Are there prerequisites for the class?

Any student in grades 9-12. There are no prerequisites.

6) What students should register for ECS?

Exploring Computer Science is appropriate for ANY student. Last year, gifted students, regular students and Special Ed students all enjoyed the class. The project-based assignments allow all students to participate, while remaining challenging to gifted students.

7) What classes would follow the class?

A student interested in programming might take Computer Programming 1.

8) Is there a class fee with the class?

There is no class fee for the ECS course.

9) What is the curriculum for the class?

The one-semester curriculum used in Utah is available here as a PDF document. It includes three units take from the one-year curriculum:

  • Unit 1: Computers and Computing
  • Unit 2: Problem Solving
  • Unit 4: Programming


It is derived from two versions of the one-year curriculum, which also are available online:


10) What programming language is taught in ECS?

Unit 4 of the ECS curriculum uses Scratch to teach programming and debugging skills. Scratch is a free online software available at MIT. The latest version of Scratch will run in a web browser.

11) What do I need to do to teach ECS next year? How do I sign up?

See this page for how to sign up your school for the ECS workshops.


Unanswered questions?

Our main ECS page has more general information about the project. If you have other questions about Exploring Computer Science, see our personnel page for contact information.